Creative, Modern Offices

Gone are the days when offices were typically cubicle, surrounded by white walls and lit by white fluorescent lights. Thanks to corporate giants like Google and Pixar that have demonstrated tremendous success despite their unconventional workplaces, more people are embracing the idea that creative work environment helps stimulate minds and inspire innovation. From simply ditching the crisp white walls for graphical wallpapers to a total overhaul of the office layout, we are all trying to break the mold and introduce a unique working environment to the team, and hopefully inspire some genius ideas along the way. 

creative offices
So if you are trying to inject some personality into the place you spend your daily 9-5, how about getting some cue from the creative giants themselves?

Google (Zurich, Switzerland)

Google Zurich creative office
Google Zurich creative office
Google Zurich creative office

Facebook (Palo Alto, California, USA)

Facebook headquarter creative office
Facebook headquarter creative office

Skype (Tallin, Estonia)

Skype office in Estonia

Digg (San Francisco, USA)

Digg office

Twitter (San Francisco, USA)

Twitter office
Twitter office

Swatch (Zurich, Switzerland)

Swatch headquarter

General Motors (Detroit, USA)

Harley Earl Office
Harley Earl Office

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